Featured Artwork
Highlighted Photographers
This page is dedicated to those who have submitted their own work, either photos or original work located downrange. Some of these individuals were helping our efforts to collect these vanishing works of art, some since almost the beginning.
If you are serving downrange in Afghanistan or Kuwait and would like to assist our efforts to document as much of this unique art as possible, please reach out to us via email at info@graffitiofwar.com. And of course, if you know of anyone that may be interested in our mission to capture images of this incredible artwork, please do share our website, emails and social media outlets. It was only through the dedication of so many that we have been able to collect as much as we have. It will only be through this continued determination and assistance that we can be sure of ultimate success.
If you are serving downrange in Afghanistan or Kuwait and would like to assist our efforts to document as much of this unique art as possible, please reach out to us via email at info@graffitiofwar.com. And of course, if you know of anyone that may be interested in our mission to capture images of this incredible artwork, please do share our website, emails and social media outlets. It was only through the dedication of so many that we have been able to collect as much as we have. It will only be through this continued determination and assistance that we can be sure of ultimate success.
Jonathan Glenn - Combat Curator

Jonathan Glenn graciously allowed our project to showcase some of his amazing images both for the website and our book. We have dedicated a few pages of the book to his work and we listed some of his work below. To review more of his amazing photos taken from flights over Afghanistan, visit his Tumblr page, combatcurator.tumblr.com.